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Crazy Girls

Las Vegas Shows
Crazy Girls Topless Show
The "Crazy Girls" have seen about 100 performers come and go over the years spanning three decades. While dozens of shows have opened and closed on The Las Vegas Strip, `Crazy Girls' has hung in there with one of the most controversial advertising programs that has ever hit Las Vegas. The revue was ahead of its time. The " Crazy Girls," like Siegfried & Roy," have become a household name and are now the most famous showgirls in Las Vegas. Even the French blush when they come to see their competition.

The showgirl has always been the backbone of Las Vegas entertainment and now the "Crazy Girls" has become so famous that it may well be the backbone of topless revues.

"Crazy Girls" gets a lot of repeat business because it changes the numbers, act and girls often and the show is more refined than ever. If you come 10 minutes early a video will show you a history of the "Crazy Girls" TV appearances from MSNBC to "E!"

The intimate 400-seat Crazy Girls Showroom includes booths and straight-on chairs with drink tables to make it comfortable and enjoyable for everyone.

It's evolved from a stag show in 1987 to a couple's show of the new Millennium. The modern day showgirls are professionally trained dancers and don't wear stockings or fishnets of any kind. They have some covered theme costumes but reveal a lot.

Host and special guest star Joe Trammel aka "The Man of 1,000 Faces" performs in the dozen shows weekly and is the first male to perform in the sexy revue. You have to see his act to believe it. He can get a standing ovation without saying a word. Trammel is worth the price of admission alone. Watch for his new material. The G-rated talent of Joe Trammel gets you laughing and then the "Crazy Girls" carry you through the rest of the show in an adult Disneyland of beautiful women and revealing dance numbers.

"Crazy Girls" is the sixth longest running show in Las Vegas. No ifs, ands or butts... when it comes to the best Las Vegas nude female revue, it's The Riviera's Crazy Girls.
Location: Riviera Hotel and Casino
Show times and schedule
Tickets: Click here for links to online ticket options and direct show contact info

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