"Lance Burton: Master Magician" will be selling 2-for-1 show tickets to Nevada residents only thru Oct. 31. Lance Burton will be introduce the new commemorative Houdini postal stamp for the U.S. Postal Service at 1 p.m. on Monday, Oct. 29. Lance will do Houdini's famous upside-down straitjacket escape before a live audience. It just so happens to be National Magic Week from Oct. 25-31. Don't miss his show at the Monte Carlo Resort & Casino from Tuesday-Saturday at 7 and 10 p.m. Call 730-7160.
Joe Trammel aka "The Man of 1,000 Faces" has joined "Crazy Girls" at the Riv.
Justin Tranz will be on "The Ed Bernstein Show" at 4 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 21. "Hip-Nosis" is at 9 p.m. Monday thru Friday and 8 & 11 p.m. on Saturdays at O'Shea's.
The '50s pop ballad singer Jerry Vale will play at Boulder Station on Oct. 26-27.
The Majestix will perform their magic at Caesars Magical Empire thru Nov. 10.
Drew Hastings and Kjell Bjorgen will perform at Catch A Rising Star, Oct. 22-25.
The Jaguares will be in concert at the Hard Rock Hotel on Saturday, Oct. 20.
Mac King at Harrah's is getting great word-of-mouth as the best afternoon show.
Johnny Mathis who's played Las Vegas since the '60s is at the Hilton, Oct. 19-20.
"What New Pussycat?" Tom Jones will perform thru Oct. 31 at the MGM Grand.
HOB hosts Wild Child & Save Ferris with Limitpoint at Mandalay Bay this week.
Art Garfunkel opens at The Orleans to perform from Oct. 26-28. Where's Simon?
John Caponera and Joe Nipote will yuk it up at the Palace Station, Oct. 23-27.
Penn & Teller will perform at the Rio's Samba Theatre from Oct. 25 thru Nov. 11. These two zany on-the-edge magicians will put on the most far-out magic show you will ever see. I first saw them doing a Showtime special at Caesars Palace 10 years ago.
News flash! Frankie Avalon has teamed up with Steve Rossi for a gig at the Suncoast on Oct. 20-21. Is Steve Rossi the comeback kid? I hear rave reviews about Frankie Randall with the Vincent Falcone 20-piece orchestra at the Suncoast, Oct.26-28.
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